i want your opinions!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Issues That Pop Into My Mind For This Topic

1.     What is Multi- purpose furniture?       
2.     How did it come about?
3.     Why was it introduced?
4.     Was it popular among public when it was first introduced? did it gain popularity afterwards?
5.     What do they look like back then and what has it transformed into now?
6.     Where they made to cater only to certain people? why?
7.     Is it suitable for all ages? Yes or no. Reason.
8.     why did they change their shape from the conventional table and chair to some other form which is not so differentiable as to what is uses it for?
9.     Based on their current abstract form, did they ask feedback from the public regarding it's comfort & safety?
10.                        Is it only aesthetically pleasing to the younger generation?
11.                        Why do certain age group only find it attractive ?
12.                        It multi- purpose furniture more appealing to the city people or small town people? Or both. Reason.
13.                        What's the price of a multi- purpose furniture? Is it more expensive compared to a single usage furniture or same price?
14.                        How can multi- purpose furniture suit the taste of the current non multi-purpose furniture?
15.                        What material do they mostly use to make multi- purpose furniture?
16.                        Is the material more sustainable ?
17.                        Who were the initial users the multi- purpose furniture were designed for?
18.                        Why do some people of certain age group could not accept multi - purpose furniture? Is it because the colour, material or form is too simplified or too contrasting  to certain people?
19.                        How did the multi- purpose furniture evolve from a conventional single usage to multi usage?
20.                        What was the reason people choose multi- purpose furniture?
21.                        Types of material multi- purpose furniture can be made of
22.                        Based on the  pre conceived idea that thick, fat shapes gives of a sturdy look, do multi- purpose furniture with their simplified forms  are as sturdy although they do not give off the sturdy look?
23.                        Is it mindset issue  that people of the older generation are not attracted to  multi- purpose furniture or is multi- purpose furniture really not as long lasting as compared to conventional single usage furnitures.
24.                        Some people condemn Multi- purpose furniture do not give off a well to do status, although a furniture may look classy..why is that so?

What do i want to achieve from this research?
To promote multi- purpose furniture so that it would appeal to all age group and be used in all homes as it is a space saver compared to those single usage furniture.

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