i want your opinions!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chapter outline

The aim of this  study is to investigate the reason behind those  who do not prefer going for multi-purpose furniture and also to receive feedbacks from the current users of multi-purpose furniture to further improve the product’s be it ergonomics, material or form to cater for everyone.

to receive feedbacks from the current users of multi-purpose furniture for further product improvement and also to find methods to  promote multi-purpose furniture to all non- users of multi-purpose furniture.

research methodology
interviews will be done  towards a multi- purpose furniture designer on the issues they consider when they start designing a multi- purpose furniture, the process, the usage of materials and the form it will take shape in. The most important part that comes into the study is the feedback from the surveys that will be done towards the public of Malaysian metropolitan people on their opinions towards multi- purpose furniture today and back then in the 19th century. Also, to find out  if they are currently a user of multi- purpose furniture.. Self-observation would also be done at IKEA store in The Curve, Mutiara -Damansara on what age of people would be the one choosing that multi-purpose furniture. Do they fall under the category of the kids 3-11 years old, teens 12-19 years old, young adults from 20-30 years old, maybe those in the category 30- 50 years old or even the age category of 50 – 70 years old.
Chapter outline
-Introduction on furniture in general
Chapter 1:
1.1 evolution of furniture ( from singular - multi-purpose )
1.2 varieties of furniture in the market and the common materials they are made from and also the new materials that are introduced to furniture making
1.3 the reason for the change towards multi-purpose furniture
chapter 2 :
2.1 how the impact of the change  towards multi-purpose furniture  in response to the public, furniture market
2.2 reasons that made people attracted to multi-purpose furniture
2.3 reasons behind those who do not prefer multi- purpose furniture
chapter 3 :
3.1 taking the reasons of those who do not prefer multi-purpose furniture elaborate on their reasons and investigate what could be done to solve it.
3.2 receiving feedbacks from the survey of the public and analyze the result to see if there should be a need of improvement towards multi-purpose furniture from the current users of it. Customer feedback.
finding methods of promoting multi-purpose furniture to intrigue the non-users to convert themselves to a multi-purpose furniture user, by stating when ,how ,what can be implied to promote the usage of multi-purpose furniture.

P/s may change if info are more! and needs to be split into more subchapters!

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